Sunday 22 November 2015

Hipster Style 2.


Everything You Need To Know About Grooming Your Beard


Beards are arguably one of the most interesting things about a man's face. From stubble to full-grown, there's more to facial hair than we think. With that in mind, HuffPost Style spoke to pogonologist -- aka beard scholar -- Dr. Allan Peterkin to get his take on the art of grooming.

Dr. Peterkin is a Dove Men+Care Face expert and the author of books such as The Bearded Gentleman and One Thousand Beards, which focus on beard styling techniques then and now. With his cultural narratives, Dr. Peterkin educates his readers on the evolution of facial hair and its effect on social and psychological disposition.

So, when we talked to the all-things-beards expert, we knew that he would have some amazing, if not life-changing, tips. By highlighting some of the biggest mistakes guys can make, Dr. Peterkin doesn't disappoint in giving us everything we've ever needed to know about caring for a beard.

Herewith are Dr. Peterkin's tips and tricks below; gentlemen, try to take his advice, OK?

What are the current beard trends?

The most popular look is stubble -- that’s if you look in the magazines GQ, Esquire -- the guy has stubble and sometimes stubble with layering, with thicker sideburns, or with a mustache.

You’re seeing the mountain man beard but that’s kind of like fringe college kid, or has a hipster element. There's seasonal mustache growing for charity -- I don’t think the mustache has really hit as permanent expression.

Are there certain styles that complement different faces?

Men use facial hair to play up strengths or hide weaknesses. If you have a weak chin, you can square it off by having a beard; if you have a really big nose, a full mustache will counter that. You see guys who are bald and grow a nice beard, it really looks good to have bald head and stubble, for example. I think men are getting really strategic about their use of facial hair from the aesthetic and cosmetic sides.

What are the biggest mistakes a guy can make with his beard?

You’ll see guys cut their beard right under their chin, and it looks really severe and artificial. So they should really aim somewhere between the Adam's apple and under the chin, that’s kind of a natural place.

I always tell people before they grow a big beard or if you’ve had a beard, before you shave it off, you should consult your partner and possibly your barber. I think guys do foolish things that don’t look great -- some other people should get a vote, I think particularly your spouse or your partner.

Give us some grooming tips!

Bearded or not, you still have skin. Some guys think "I don’t need to use products with SPF if I have a beard," but you can still get sun damage.

You need to wash your face; you can use the same product for washing your face and washing your beard. You still need to shave your margins if you have a beard, so you can use gel to keep it tidy.

How many products do men really need?

Guys want to keep it simple, so I don’t want 15 products. There are all these lines for beards now, beard oil and beard conditioner. One line of products will often cover you whether you’re clean shaven or bearded.

What do you think about beard art?

That’s the whole thing about facial hair nowadays: guys are having fun. It’s sort of a little bit of playful rebellion. Our fathers and grandfathers probably couldn’t have gotten away with it. It’s confident -- “I can do this” -- and it’s fun. So I welcome that -- I think that’s a great trend.

This interview has been condensed and edited for clarity.

Beard Grooming Tips: 8 Ways to Optimize Your Beard

First and Foremost, Be Patient

A truly epic beard is the product of self-restraint. When you first start growing, resist the urge to trim or style, and leave it untouched for the first 4-6 weeks. This will allow the hairs to grow in evenly (some grow faster than others), and help you pick a style that suits its length and thickness.

Match Your Beard to Your Face Shape

Like any wild animal, a beard should be in-tune with its surrounding environment. Consult this handy chart after the first month of growth, and choose a final style that complements your face shape. Your beard will look better, and so will you.

Know How (and When) to Trim
Pruning is essential to a well-groomed beard—even if you plan on growing it out. Invest in a quality trimmer, and find the right technique to suit your master plan. Here are two tutorials for varying beardsmen: those growing it long, and those keeping it cropped.

Wash It Regularly
This is especially important in the early stages of growth, when trapped food and skin cells can exacerbate the itchiness. Scrub your beard several times each week with a specialized cleanser, like Billy Jealousy Beard Wash, then gently pat it dry: An overzealous toweling can lead to frizz and split ends.

Love Thy Beard Oil
We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: Nothing tames a beard like regular use of beard oil. There are many varieties to choose from, in a range of manly scents, but all of them will condition hairs to make them softer and shinier. If you want to smell like a woodsman, Mr. Natty Frank’s Beard Elixir is a tried-and-true favorite.

Learn to Train Your Beard
A regular trim will maintain your chosen shape, but it’s not the only way to keep your beard in line. A daily rubdown with a comb or beard brush will wrangle stubborn hairs, training them to grow in a downward direction. You can even up the ante with a soft-hold styler, like Jao Bomade Beardscent, which lends some extra sculpting power while taming any flyways.

Don’t Forget the Mustache
Unless you’ve chosen a chinstrap—and we really hope you didn’t—growing an epic beard also means growing a mustache. To keep it looking neat, trim the area around your philtrum (the area under your nose) with a pair of grooming scissors, and keep it naturally sculpted with a medium-hold wax, like Beardbrand Mustache Wax.

Fuel Up
You can’t build a house without bricks, and the same applies to facial hair. Your beard is made from protein and fat, but it’s also heavily reliant on Vitamins B5, B3, and B9. That means lean meats, nuts, egg yolks, milk, and plenty of leafy greens. If you’re seriously committed, you can also round out your diet with a supplement like Vitabeard.

Friday 13 November 2015

Trendy Men's Haircuts 2015 -2.





Thursday 12 November 2015

New trending for men clip-on bun

We have seen that men have taken countless fashions in the way you wear your hair, from 'chongos' to Manbun ManBraid style to style braids. Now, hipsters will no longer have to worry about the strangeness that may cause your look though is unlikely to suffer for it.

A company called Groupon is creating chongos or 'collected' hairpieces for men can still use them with short hair. Definitely, they are to love or hate. What do you think?
For just $ 9 men can wear their hair up and neatly combed.

Nueva tendencia de clips de cabello postizo para hombres

It can be fixed

in your hair even if you have long enough to make it real.
Even with short hair, who follow the trend may come to look like this:

Nueva tendencia de hombres con chongo en el cabello

The company has

been manufacturing hairpieces for women for years, so the difference is negligible except that now the market for men. In fact, these bump-its for sombres are exactly the same, even in the form of subjecting them to the hair.
They come in three colors: black, brown and blonde

Nueva tendencia de chongos postizos para hombres

The campaign, which has some amazing Photoshop editions, announced: "It is one of the latest trends in menswear. The man bun has become popular in some Hollywood stars and athletes alike. "
Sure, unless they have red hair ...

New trend of men's hairpieces chongos

Nueva tendencia de chongos postizos para hombres

The announcement adds that since the style has been adopted by many trendys gentlemen, it is important that the bun is removable, so they can "blend in with their surroundings," wearing less extreme for work or a meeting and then putting it to go somewhere bar or coffee, for example. All because "machismo is still alive."

Some  real E.g: