Tuesday 3 November 2015

How to grow a big beard

Nothing reaffirms the vitality of a man the ability to grow a full beard and thick. There is something unique in the beard that gives the feeling of power, making you feel that you can fight a bear, catch a fish with your hands or engage in other masculine activities.
However, grow a beard involves not only get rid of your razor. It also takes time, dedication and ability of human to avoid scratching. Here are some useful tips to let you grow a thick, shiny, worthy of Gandalf own beard.

Method 1 of 3: Basics growth beard

Grow a Thicker Beard Step 1

1 .  Choose a bearded role model. Grow a beard is a compromise. It will take time and dedication. You may want to give up on certain days and get your razor. For times like these, it may be useful to have in mind the image of a bearded role model. Think of a man with a full beard and gloriously whose image you motivate and inspire you when you need it. Get a picture of this man and hang it in your bathroom. He will give you the strength you need to persevere and get the male beard you've always dreamed of.

Suitable examples of men with full beards and fabulous include: musicians like John Lennon and Jim Morrison, philosophers like Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud, ex-presidents like Abraham Lincoln and Ulyssess S. Grant and mythical gods as Zeus and Poseidon.

Grow a Thicker Beard Step 2

2. Ignore the myth that shaving the beard grows thicker. You've probably heard that shaving the beard will grow twice as thick as before. However, there is nothing to confirm this theory. After shaving, your facial hair will experience a slight growth momentum will cease quickly and your beard grow even slower than before. Therefore, you may discard the alleged benefits in terms of shaving beard growth.
It is also possible that your beard looks thicker as you begin to grow again, but this is only because the facial hair is darker and coarser than the root tip. When the hair grow further, you can not tell the difference.
Therefore, the best thing to do is not to interfere with your facial hair. Keep your razor in a locked drawer and let nature do its work.

Grow a Thicker Beard Step 3

3. Let the beard grow between 4 and 6 weeks. Generally it will take the facial hair 4 to 6 weeks to become a proper beard. The hardest part will be the beginning, when your facial hair to look irregular and uneven and have to put smiles and sarcastic comments from friends and family who do not understand your struggle to get a glorious beard.
For this reason, it is best to let his beard grow while you're on vacation or a break from work. This will allow your beard start growing in advance, out of sight criticism of others.

Grow a Thicker Beard Step 4

4. Learn to deal with the itching. Itching is the main obstacle that makes fail to people who want to have a beard. Irritated and itchy skin can be a major problem as you let your beard grow, but do not be defeated by these drawbacks.Fight! Wash your face daily with a mild cleanser to keep the skin neat. Use a moisturizer soothing to reduce redness and moisturize dry, scaly skin.
If itching is too annoying, you get a cream containing 1% hydrocortisone. With this you can significantly relieve itching.
Remember that itching is temporary and disappears as soon as your beard reaches a certain length, so be strong!

Grow a Thicker Beard Step 5

5. Wash your beard dandruff shampoo. Wash your beard twice a week with dandruff shampoo can help relieve itching and flaking rid of skin that can give bad aspect to your beard. If you wish, you can also use a little conditioner to your beard remain smooth and healthy.

Grow a Thicker Beard Step 6

6. It comprises the growth rate and the thickness of your beard depends largely genes. Unfortunately, there is no magic potion that allows you to have a complete and wonderfully thick beard. The type of beard grows you will mainly depend on your genes (thanks Dad!) And levels of testosterone your body produces. Therefore, you have to work with the facial hair you have, doing everything possible to enhance their health and stimulate growth.

Method 2 March: Power your beard growth

Grow a Thicker Beard Step 7

1. Eat properly. Taking care of your body through a balanced diet can positively influence the growth of your beard. Since facial hair is made mostly of protein, your beard will benefit from high-protein foods such as oily fish, lean beef and chicken. You should also try to increase consumption of unhealthy saturated fats, such as nuts, fish and eggs. These foods stimulate the production of testosterone, which is essential for healthy and thick beards.
Green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale are also good additions to your diet, as they help your body process estrogen (the female hormone) increasing the levels of testosterone in your system.
It is recommended that you avoid junk food with high sugar content, because it provides no nutritional value and make your beard is weak and fragile.

Grow a Thicker Beard Step 8

2. Take a vitamin supplement. Vitamin supplements can be an excellent way to optimize the health of facial hair and stimulate growth of beard. Perhaps the best supplement for growth of facial hair is biotin, which can get in pharmacies and health food stores. For best results, dermatologists recommend taking 2.5 mg of biotin daily.
Other vitamin supplements that are said to help the beard growth are: vitamins B1, B6 and B12 along with beta-carotene, flax seed oil and nettle oil.

There is also a multivitamin supplement called Vitabeard which is specially designed to stimulate the growth of facial hair, making the beard grow faster and stronger. This supplement also helps reduce itching, as it regulates the production of skin oil. You can buy Vitabeard online stores.

Grow a Thicker Beard Step 9

3. Take exercise. Regular exercise of moderate to high intensity can stimulate the growth of healthy, thick beard. Exercise stimulates testosterone production and improves blood circulation. Proper circulation is important because the vitamins and nutrients needed for skin and facial hair travel through the bloodstream. For best results, try combining cardio routines and muscle gain.

Grow a Thicker Beard Step 10

4. Rest well and relax a lot. Sleep is important because it allows cells to repair and regenerate (which is essential for healthy growth of facial hair). Your health and your general well-being depend on getting enough sleep, so you should do everything possible to sleep 7 to 8 hours every night. It is also recommended that you try to reduce your stress levels as much as possible, and that excess stress is related to hair loss.

Grow a Thicker Beard Step 11

5. Stay hydrated. Your beard is not a plant, ie not grow faster if you drink more water. However, stay hydrated is essential for proper functioning of the body, which in turn improves health status. Water flushes toxins from the body and keeps the skin hydrated from within (and these things do not hurt your chances of having a healthy beard).

Method 3 March: Give way to make him a thick beard and maintenance

Grow a Thicker Beard Step 12

1. Avoid shaping your beard too soon. It is recommended not to manipulate your new beard with scissors or short beards until you have grown for at least 4 weeks. Each hair grows at different rates, so some sections of your beard may take time to grow more than others. Be patient and see how much you can grow your beard before trimming and shaping. The more facial hair you have, it will be easier to work it.

Grow a Thicker Beard Step 13

2. Choose a style of beard. When you let nature do your work and you left your beard grow for 4 to 6 weeks, you can start thinking about the style you want to give. You can leave your beard as is (wild, vigorous and undeniably male) or you can choose a finer style as a combination of mustache with goatee, chin strap refined or elegant fly type beard. You also have other less common but equally masculine options, such as beard and long pin curtain beard. The choice is yours.
If you need some styles look that: Styles

Grow a Thicker Beard Step 14

3. Trim your beard. After choosing a style, you will have the delicate task of trimming your beard. If this is your first time, you'll want to consider going to a barber to cut your beard professionally. However, finding an experienced barber is a task that is becoming increasingly difficult.
If you decide to do the work yourself, you use a good short beards to define the neckline before shaping the rest of the beard. Generally it is best not to cut the line of the cheekbone to avoid giving a strange shape the beard.

Grow a Thicker Beard Step 15

4. frequently used shampoo and conditioner. Your beard need of love and attention often to stay in top condition. Try to wash it daily (or almost daily) with a soft to keep it clean and remove food debris shampoo (something will happen) and use a little conditioner occasionally to strengthen the facial hair and make your beard look full and thick.

Grow a Thicker Beard Step 16

5. Use protective oil. If you put your beard chemicals or harmful elements (for example, if you're skiing or swimming in a pool full of chlorine) is recommended that you apply a light coat of oil, such as jojoba or grapeseed. The oil protects your beard to avoid moisture to escape and to prevent the loss of natural oils

Grow a Thicker Beard Step 17

6. If all else fails, wait a couple of years. If your beard did not go as expected and decided to get rid of it, do not lose hope. You can try again in a few years, as the growth of facial hair continues to grow over time. For this reason older men generally have the most full beards.

Do not use hair treatments in order to stimulate the growth of your beard, because in many cases these products are not supported by the competent authorities for use in facial hair. Such treatments can cause irritation and acne.

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